Florinef is a brand name of Fludrocortisone. It is a corticosteroid produced to treat adrenogenital syndrome (also called Apera-Galle syndrome), Addison's disease, orthostatic hypotension, cerebral salt wasting syndrome, and adrenal insufficiency. The drug replenishes the deficiency of hormones of the adrenal cortex. 1 tablet contains 0.1 mg of fludrocortisone acetate. It participates in the metabolism, including mineral and carbohydrate one. The drug causes the retention of sodium ions and promotes the excretion of potassium.

An antifungal drug for oral and topical use in fungal diseases of the skin and nails. At low concentrations, it has fungicidal activity against dermatophytes.

Levaquin is used to treat infections of the lower respiratory tract, urinary tract, kidneys, skin, soft tissues, chronic bronchitis, acute sinusitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis and tuberculosis. The drug is a fluoroquinolone, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial bactericide. It blocks DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, disrupts supercoiling and cross-linking of DNA gaps, suppresses DNA synthesis, causes profound morphological changes in the cytoplasm, cell wall and bacterial membranes.

Lipitor refers to inhibitors of hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A-reductase. It is used to lower the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood, total cholesterol, triglycerides (another kind of fat) and apolipoprotein B (protein required for cholesterol production). Lipitor is also used to increase the blood cholesterol level of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). It is necessary to reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes and peripheral vascular diseases.

Lisinopril is an antihypertensive, vasodilating, cardioprotective drug, an ACE inhibitor that is used to treat hypertension, heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, diabetic nephropathy.

An antimicrobial agent from the nitrofurans group, especially suitable for the treatment of urinary tract infections and prevention of infections after urologic surgery or examinations (cystoscopy, catheterization, etc.). The medicine disrupts the permeability of the cell membrane and protein synthesis in bacteria.

A thiazide diuretic of the average intensity, applied in arterial hypertension, edema syndrome of different origin, gestosis and diabetes insipidus. Reduces reabsorption of Na+ at the level of the Henle loop cortical segment, without affecting its segment lying in the medulla of the kidney that detects a weaker diuretic effect compared with furosemide.

An antituberculosis drug which acts bacteriostatically; it enters the actively growing cells of mycobacteria by inhibiting RNA synthesis, interferes with cellular metabolism, causing cessation of reproduction and death of bacteria. Active only in relation to the intensively dividing cells. Inhibits the growth and reproduction of tuberculosis mycobacterium resistant to streptomycin, isoniazid, PASK, ethionamide, kanamycin. In the conditions of monotherapy, the resistance of mycobacteria develops fast enough.

Naltrexone - complex treatment of alcohol dependence. It is also attributed to the prevention of the pharmacological effects of exogenous opioids and the maintenance of a non-opioid state in patients with opioid dependence.

An anthelmintic broad-spectrum drug; most effective with enterobioze and trihozefaleze. Causes irreversible violation of glucose utilization, depletes the glycogen stores in the tissues of worms, inhibits the synthesis of cellular tubulin and also inhibits the ATP synthesis.

The antifungal agent which has activity against dermatophytes, yeasts, dimorphic fungi and eumycetes. It is also active against staphylococci and streptococci. The therapeutical indications of the drug include: mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, genital organs, chronic recurrent vaginal candidiasis, dermatomycosis, onychomycosis, Candida, folliculitis, dermatophytosis, systemic fungal infections (blastomycosis, candidiasis, paracoccidioides, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, hromomikoz, sporotrichosis, paronychia, fungal sepsis, fungal pneumonia); leishmaniasis; tinea versicolor, prevention of fungal infections in patients with a high risk of their development. The mechanism of action is inhibition of fungal membrane ergosterol synthesis and the violation of the cell wall permeability.

Nootropil improves cognitive processes, memory, attention, and mental performance.
Nootropilum affects the CNS, by changing the speed of propagation of the excitation in the brain, improves metabolic processes in nerve cells, improves by acting on the rheological characteristics of blood and causing no vasodilatory action.

A tricyclic antidepressant with a relatively short latency period. It has almost no sedative effect. therapeutical indications include: depressive phases of a manic-depressive psychosis, all other forms of endogenous depression (reactive and neurotic). In combination with amitriptyline it is used for depressions that occurred during treatment with reserpine. In combination with neuroleptics, it is used in the treatment of depression that developed during treatment of schizophrenic psychoses.

Olanzapine is an antipsychotic drug (neuroleptic). It is shown in schizophrenia in adults, psychotic disorders, bipolar affective disorder in adults, depressive states.

The drug dilates coronary vessels (mostly arterioles) and causes a significant increase in volumetric blood flow velocity. Increases the content of oxygen in venous blood of coronary sinus and its absorption by myocardium. Promotes the development of collateral coronary circulation, reduction in a systemic vascular resistance, improves microcirculation, has angioprotective action.

A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic action. Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid, gouty arthritis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), pain syndrome (ossalgia, neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, sciatica, headache, dental pain, childbirth), for orthopedic surgery, cancer, algodismenorrhea, febrile syndrome.

An oral hypoglycemic means, which inhibiting the intestinal alpha-glycosidase, reduces the enzymatic conversion of di-, oligo - and polysaccharides to mono-saccharides, thereby reducing the absorption of glucose from the intestine and postprandial hyperglycemia. It is used to treat diabetes, of type 2 under the ineffective diet, the course of which shall not be less than 6 months, type 1diabetes within the combination therapy.

Prednisolone is a synthetic analogue of the adrenal cortex secreted by the hormones cortisone and hydrocortisone. Unlike cortisone and hydrocortisone, prednisolone does not cause a noticeable delay in sodium and water, and only slightly increases the release of potassium. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti exudative, anti-shock, antitoxic effect.

Prednisone - is a drug from the group of hormones of the adrenal cortex (glucocorticosteroids). It contains prednisolone as the main substance. It is prescribed to patients who suffer from: Bechterew's disease, inflammatory changes in the spinal cord and membranes, non-infectious arthritis, edematous processes of the vertebrae and its structures, osteoarthrosis, severe soreness in the spine, spinal and nerve injuries of the spine, osteochondrosis.

An antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drug, derivative from benzisoxazole; also has sedative, antiemetic and hypothermic effect. Used in acute and chronic schizophrenia and others psychotic states with a predominance of productive and negative symptoms, affective disorders in various mental diseases, behavioral disorders in patients with dementia with the symptoms of aggression, disorders of activity or psychotic symptoms. Also prescribed as a mood stabilizer in the treatment of manias in bipolar disorders.

Septra - Sulfamethoxazole is an antibiotic that treats various types of infections caused by bacteria. The combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim is used to treat ear infection, urinary tract infection, prostate infection, bronchitis, travelers' diarrhea and pneumocystis pneumonia. The drug is available in the form of tablets, as well as in liquid form.

Sumycin - An antibiotic based on tetracycline, a brand of such pharmaceutical companies as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Apothecon, Par Pharmaceutical.

is given to patients for treating severe acne that do not respond to other medicines

Toradol - tablets containing 5 and 10 mg of ketorolac tromethamine as an active substance. It has a pronounced analgesic, as well as antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action, the mechanism of which is associated with inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins. Suppresses the aggregation of platelets.

Trandate - pills, mainly used in hypertension, it is an ideal means for lowering blood pressure.The rapid action of the active substance, Labetalol, distinguishes the drug from other similar drugs according to indications. The drug has the fastest antihypertensive effect.

Tricor - is a hypolipidemic agent, has an uricosuric and antiplatelet effect. In combination with diet therapy, the drug is prescribed for a long-term treatment, the effectiveness of which must be periodically checked by determining serum lipid levels.

Vasotec- an antihypertensive drug based on the action of the active ingredient Enalapril, whose mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the activity of the angiotensin-converting enzyme, leading to a decrease in the formation of the vasoconstrictor factor - angiotensin II and simultaneously to the activation of the formation of kinin and prostacyclin possessing a vasodilating action.

Vermox - anthelminthic drug of a wide spectrum of action. The most effective for Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, Strongyloides stercoralis, Taenia solium, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis, Trichinella spiralis, Trichinella nativa, Trichinella nelsoni.
Causing an irreversible violation of glucose utilization, depletes glycogen stores in helminth tissues, interferes with the synthesis of cellular tubulin, and also inhibits the synthesis of ATP.

Zebeta is a beta-blocker that affects the heart and blood flow. The drug is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure)

Zocor is indicated to reduce mortality due to coronary artery disease. It is prescribed for the reduction of risk of serious vascular and coronary complications: non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary death, stroke; revascularization operations. Designed to reduce the risk of the need for coronary blood flow restoration; rot reduce the risk of the need for surgical intervention to restore peripheral blood flow and other types of non-coronary revascularization; to reduce the risk of hospitalization in connection with attacks of angina pectoris; to decrease in the elevated level of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides. apolipoprotein B; for increasing HDL cholesterol in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia, including heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.

Zoloft is an antidepresant stopping the reuptake of serotonin, which is performed by the neurons that isolated it. As a result, the concentration of the neurotransmitter increases in the synaptic cleft and the main cause of depressive states, the serotonin deficiency, is eliminated.

Zyloprim is a tablet the effect of which appears due to the mechanism of action of its basic component called Allopurinol. This medicine is prescribed as a treatment of hyperuricemia, primary and secondary gout, urolithiasis with the formation of urinary calculi, hemoblastoma, cytostatic and radiation therapy of tumors, psoriasis, traumatic toxicosis. It is used as a corticosteroid therapy for the prevention of urinary acid nephropathy, malignant neoplasms and congenital disorders of purine metabolism in children.