Hytrin refers to the group of pharmaceutical products intended to cure the sexual/urinary maladies and sex hormone medical preparations. Its composition includes Terazozin - a medical mean for the normalization of the prostate gland in benign hypertrophy.

A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic action. Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid, gouty arthritis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), pain syndrome (ossalgia, neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, sciatica, headache, dental pain, childbirth), for orthopedic surgery, cancer, algodismenorrhea, febrile syndrome.

Propecia - an anti-hormonal drug. Used to reduce the size of the prostate gland, to increase the maximum speed of urine outflow, reducing the risk of developing acute urinary retention. The drug also turned out to be effective in the treatment of men’s alopecia.