Aldactone, which is spironolactone - is a competitive antagonist of aldosteron. In disteel kidney tubules increases removal of sodium and water, reduces - potassium. Lowers arterial pressure. It is prescribed at hyperaldosteronism, diagnostics of hyperaldosteronism, adenoma of adrenal glands, producing aldosterone; edema syndrome at chronic heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, nephropathy of pregnant women; arterial hypertension, hypokalaemia, as additional medicine at malignant hypertension, hypokalaemia, prevention of hypokalaemia at patients with cardiac glycoside.

Altace, which is Antihypertensive (the reducing arterial pressure) medicine, inhibitor of angiotensine transforming enzyme. Suppressing angiotensin II synthesis, narrowing a luminal occlusion also reduces its stimulating influence on effuse of aldosteron. Increases activity of a renin in plasma. The medicine also inhibits metabolism (interferes with decomposition in an organism) of bradykinin. Medicine reduces the general vascular peripheral resistance, does not change significantly a renal blood flow.

Capoten suppresses activity of angiotensin-converting-enzyme therefore angiotensin-I turns into angiotensin II - substance which has strong vasoconstrictive action. Capoten reduces secretion of Aldosteronum in suprarenal cortex, at the same time the delay of sodium and water in an organism decreases. Capoten slows down process of bradykinin destruction and promotes increase of E2 prostaglandin, and also nitrogen oxide that causes vasodilating action. Thanks to these effects it is decreased the increased arterial pressure, the general peripheric resistance decreases, pressure in the right auricle, in a small circle of blood circulation decreases and cordial emission increases.

Prochlorperazine is used to control severe nausea and vomiting in adults.
Prochlorperazine may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Doxycycline is a semi-synthetic antibiotic of a broad spectrum of tetracyclines. Causes bacteriostatic action by suppressing protein synthesis of pathogens as a result of blocking the aminoacyl transport RNA (tRNA) with the "information RNA (rRNA) complex" ribosome.

Estrace - oestrogenic drug - 17 - beta oestradiol which is identical to endogenous oestradiol (which is formed in an organism of women, since the first menstrual period up to a menopause), developed by ovaries. Exerts feminizing impact on an organism. Stimulates development of a uterus, uterine tubes, vaginas, stroma and channels of mammary glands, pigmentation in nipples and generative organs, formation of secondary sexual characteristics on female type, growth and closing of epiphysis of long tubular bones.

Indinavir is used to treat diseases caused by HIV-1 in adult patients who have not received antiretroviral therapy before or who have received antiretroviral drugs and who have contraindications or resistance to drugs - reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

"Loop" diuretic, used for edematous syndrome with CHF II-III st., liver cirrhosis, kidney disease; swelling of the lungs or brain; arterial hypertension, hypercalcemia. Causes a rapidly advancing, strong and short-term diuresis. Has natriuretic and chlororetic effects, increases the excretion of K +, Ca2 +, Mg2 +.

Lisinopril is an antihypertensive, vasodilating, cardioprotective drug, an ACE inhibitor that is used to treat hypertension, heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, diabetic nephropathy.

A thiazide diuretic of the average intensity, applied in arterial hypertension, edema syndrome of different origin, gestosis and diabetes insipidus. Reduces reabsorption of Na+ at the level of the Henle loop cortical segment, without affecting its segment lying in the medulla of the kidney that detects a weaker diuretic effect compared with furosemide.

Blocker of H1-histamine receptors, also expresses antimuscarinic and antiserotonin activity. Anti-allergic effect is most vivid in respect of itching dermatoses. Used symptomatically during allergic reactions.

Prednisolone is a synthetic analogue of the adrenal cortex secreted by the hormones cortisone and hydrocortisone. Unlike cortisone and hydrocortisone, prednisolone does not cause a noticeable delay in sodium and water, and only slightly increases the release of potassium. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti exudative, anti-shock, antitoxic effect.

Blocks the final stage of HCl secretion, reducing basal and stimulated secretion, regardless of the nature of the stimulus. Prescribed for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in acute phase, erosive-ulcerative esophagitis, reflux esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, stress ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract; eradication of Helicobacter pylori within a combination therapy, non-ulcer dyspepsia.

Sinemet - a combined remedy based on Levodopum + Carbidopum. In the treatment of Parkinson's syndrome and disease, Sinemet proved to be one of the most effective drug. The reviews are mostly positive, because it allows to reduce "inhibition" in patients who have been treated with other medications. For each patient, the dosage is selected individually, together with the frequency of admission.

Vasotec- an antihypertensive drug based on the action of the active ingredient Enalapril, whose mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the activity of the angiotensin-converting enzyme, leading to a decrease in the formation of the vasoconstrictor factor - angiotensin II and simultaneously to the activation of the formation of kinin and prostacyclin possessing a vasodilating action.