Amoxil - is a semi-synthetic aminopenicillin antibiotic of broad spectrum effects for oral administration. Suppresses the synthesis of the cell wall of the following bacteria: Corynebacteriumdiphtheriae, Enterococcus faecalis, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus bovis, Streptococcus pyogenes; Helicobacter pylori; Peptostreptococcus; Borrelia.

Asacol, which is mesalamine - derivative of 5-aminosalicylic acid. It is prsecribed for treatment and remission maintenance at patients with ulcer colitis (earlier known as nonspecific ulcer colitis) of mild and moderate type.

Detrol is taken in case of bladder hyperactivity, shown by frequent imperative desires to urination or urine incontience. Reduces contractile function of bladder and reduces salivation. Causes incomplete bladder emptying, increases quantity of a residual urine and reduces detruzor pressure.

Diflucan - antifungal medicine, possesses highly specific action, inhibiting activity of enzymes of fungus. It is taken at systemic lesions caused by fungus including meningitis, sepsis, infections of lungs and skin as at patients with a normal immune response, and at patients with various forms of immunosuppression.

Glucotrol peroral hypoglycemic medicine. It is taken at a diabetes mellitus of type 2 (at inefficiency of dietotherapy). It has pancreatic and extra pancreatic effects. Stimulates secretion of insulin by reductions of the threshold of irritation with glucose of beta cells of pancreas, increases sensitivity to insulin and extent of its linkng with target cells, increases insulin release, strengthens influence of insulin on glucose absorption by muscles and liver, brakes lipolysis in fatty tissue.