Astelin belongs to antihistamines which purpose is to block histamines in the human organism. It’s a spray that deletes nasal congestion, itching, and sneezing. The medicine is effective in case of infection, inflammation, and allergic reaction which result in itching, stuffy, and runny nose. Medics usually prescribe it for adults and children above five (in case of seasonal allergy) and above twelve (in case of vasomotor rhinitis that constricts and dilates a vein, artery, or capillary in the nasal cavity).

Cymbalta drug possesses a central mechanism of suppression of a pain syndrome that first of all can be noticed at increase in a threshold of painful sensitivity at pain syndrome of neuropathic etiology.

Eldepryl - antiparkinsonian agent. The MAO-B selective inhibitor, participating in dopamine metabolism, etc. catecholamines. Dopamine metabolism, the return capture oppresses at the level of presynaptic nerves, promoting thereby increase in its concentration in kernels of extrapyramidal system, etc. parts of a brain.
Enalapril is prescribed at various forms of arterial hypertension, including renovascular hypertensia, and also as a part of a combination therapy of chronic heart failure. Enalapril - anti-hypertensive drug, the mechanism of its action is connected with reduction of education from angiotensin I of angiotensin II which decrease leads to direct reduction of release of Aldosteronum.

Feldene - the drug used for treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of musculo-skeletal system. NSAIDS, renders antiinflammatory, analgestic, antiaggregant and febrifugal action. Not selectively suppresses COX1 and COX2. The analgetic effect is observed in 30 min. after peroral intake, the antiinflammatory effect occurs by the end of the 1 (first) week of treatment by Feldene. After a single dose of Feldene it acts during 24 h.

Olanzapine is an antipsychotic drug (neuroleptic). It is shown in schizophrenia in adults, psychotic disorders, bipolar affective disorder in adults, depressive states.

Antidepressant. Strengthens the central adrenergic and serotonergic transfer. Used for the treatment of depressions including anhedonia, psychomotor retardation, insomnia, early awakening, weight loss, loss of interest in life, suicidal thoughts and mood swings.