Avalide is an effective medicine which aim is to lower the blood pressure. Hypertension provokes serious diseases as strokes, heart attack, and problems with the kidney. An angiotensin receptor blocker and diuretic are the basic components of the drug. The first one relaxes the walls of the blood vessels letting the blood move freely without the pressure. The second component stimulates urination so that a patient can get rid of extra salt and water which also provoke high blood pressure.

Diovan - the peripheral vasodilator, has hypotensive effect. The specific blocker of AT1 receptors of angiotensin II, does not inhibit ACE; does not influence the level of general cholesterol, TG, glucose and uric acid in blood.

A receptors blocker angiotensin II (AT1 type). Has a vasodilating and hypotensive effect. Does not show the properties of the agonist of angiotensin receptors, does not affect the state of ionic channels involved in the regulation of SSS. Does not inhibit ACE. Decreases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure without affecting the pulse rate. The start of antihypertensive action is in 3 hours, a steady decrease of the blood pressure is in 4 weeks after the start of the treatment. The duration of the hypotensive effect after a single intake is 24 hours.