Bactrim - a combined drug, containing two active ingredients: sulfanamide drug sulfamethoxazole and derivative of diaminopyrimidine - trimethoprimum. Colibacillus life activity oppresses that leads to reduction of synthesis of thymine, riboflavinum, niacin, etc. group B vitamins in intestines. Duration of therapeutic effect makes 7 years.

A blocker of H1-histamine receptors of the first generation, derived from ethanolamine; eliminates the effects of histamine, mediated through this type of receptors. Promotes the local anaesthesia (when intaken, there is a short numbing of the mucous membranes in the mouth) - only in high doses, it blocks m-cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system, has sedative, hypnotic, antiemetic and antiparkinsonian effects. The therapeutic indications include: allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic urticaria, pruritic dermatoses, dermatographism, serum sickness.